How to search files in Xcode
Some of the most useful “Power Xcode Tricks” from the try! Swift World online workshop by @ericasadun
Search Scope
Create custom scopes
You can create custom search scope to limit your search within a subset of your code. For instance, create a scope to search only within your small team's scope.

Exclude certain files ⭐️
Xcode doesn't provide out-of-the-box filter functionality for this. But you can use regex to exclude certain files to create useful search scopes. For example, you can exclude test files from your search.

Other handy search scopes
Tests Only, Swift Only, Objective-C Only, headers, etc.

Search history

Related items

Navigation Pane
Find files with keyword

Find files with keyword X or Y


Recenty opened files

Modified file

Open sibling folders ⭐️
This functionality applies to everywhere with the similar triangle (e.g. Find tab in Navigator Pane, etc)

Open subfolders ⭐️
This functionality applies to everywhere with the similar triangle (e.g. Find tab in Navigator Pane, etc)

File history

Reveal in Project Navigator ⭐️

Edit all in scope

Tags: xcode